Free Vision vs. Dyslexia Screening For Kids
If you have a child who seems to be wrestling with schoolwork or with reading, then you might want to take advantage of this free screening being offered by Washington Vision Therapy (303 S. 7nd Ave, Yakima).
All you have to do is call (509) 654- 9256 to schedule your appointment. Doctors will administer tests to determine if your child is suffering from any unknown vision problems up to and including dyslexia.
The screenings will be performed on-site and are free.
Some of the symptoms of common vision problems include:
Skipping words or lines when reading
Overlooking or misreading short words
Taking hours to do a few minutes of homework
Poor concentration when reading
Still using fingers or a marker to hold place while reading
Rubbing eyes a lot, red eyes or getting headaches in the afternoon
Not comprehending material that was just read or having to re-read passages or words