Have You Ever Wanted to Compete for Miss Washington?
Calling all young women between the ages of 14-26 years of age. Have you ever considered competing for Miss Washington State and beyond? Did you know that it begins with preliminary competitions that can open doors to Miss America?
I had the privilege of being a judge a few years back and learned so much, I wished I would have known about this in my younger years. Putting in an application for the three Miss titleholders allows the opportunity for competitors to receive up to $100,000 in scholarships each!
If you know of any young women ages 14-26 who are interested in representing Yakima County, Apple Valley and the Sunfair parade at Miss Washington 2022, please write me for more information at nwglobe@charter.net. The entry deadline December 22 2021 and the event will be held on.Jan 15 and 16 in Sunnyside.