Several Lucky Yakima Residents Chosen To Be Part Of Global Art Project
Last month, I heard about a Yakima photo exhibit that was searching for models. This was no ordinary "audition," this was a project spearheaded by the I Heart Yakima organization, and it was touted as a unique way to show your love for the city.
"Inside Out" photo wall exhibit will showcase residents who "show that Yakima is a great place to call home." The project will use larger-than-life photos of those who "love where (they) live, specifically someone who knows and shows that Yakima is a great place to call home." I answered the two submission questions on behalf of my daughter, Willow, and the other day, I received a letter saying she was one of the lucky people selected!
Why do you love living in Yakima?
"Mom, someday I want to be the Queen of Yakima. And you can be the Grandma." -- Willow, said to me when she was age 5 years old. She loves Yakima and this is her home that she loves.
Why do you want to participate in INSIDE OUT?
While Willow may not ever become the "queen" of Yakima, she can become a part of this extra-ordinary art project. It would be fitting because to me, she is nothing but extraordinary! - This is being submitted by Reesha, Willow's mother.
The Inside Out photo shoot will be held in the first couple of weeks in July. Renowned photojournalist and Yakima native Sally Tonkin will be the photographer. I Heart Yakima anticipates that the photo wall exhibit should be installed in Downtown Yakima in August of this year.
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