It seems like just last year I was clutching this cute little chunky baby in my arms and taking her home from the hospital, and then I blinked and she was 3 years old!

Courtesy of Reesha On The Radio
Courtesy of Reesha On The Radio

I know that this photo appears to be about a month late, but last week, I found out that my daughter, Willow, was next up on the waiting list at preschool. I will admit that in September, I was kind of envious of a lot of you,because my Facebook timeline was flooded with my friends' pics of their kids on their first day of school and their super-cute little outfits. But now it's my turn!

Most parents shed a tear or two when their children go off to preschool. And most children cry for their parents as they leave the school to say goodbye. Not my kid! She has been talking nonstop about going to "the big kids' school." When it was time for me to leave the preschool, she barely gave me a glance goodbye! LOL!

Well, at long last, my little sugarcube is having a blast at the Big Kids' School (and now I can flood Facebook with MY kid's preschool photo). My baby's getting so big!

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