Isaac Atticus

He is going by Isaac Atticus on youtube but you might know him as Isaac from Jayleigh Ann and the Lost Boys, a local up and coming group that's been gaining notoriety across Washington State and beyond for a few years, and then the pandemic hit.

Isaac New Music

Normally he is volunteering his time with local youth, teaching them chords on the guitar or popping up at local hot spots for a jam session. In between those gigs, he's been off at music camps creating and writing his own music as well.

Art Awareness Project
Art Awareness Project

It's been a very fun experience watching him grow as an artist and I am always happy to lend an ear to his latest project so I was super pumped when Isaac reached out last week to have me take a listen to his latest solo project. A song called, "Know Ya" and I fell in love, so I thought it would be fun to share with you.

You can find him on Spotify, Amazon Music, and youtube :)


I'm not gonna lie, this kid oozes musical talent and has the kind of drive I only WISHED I would have had when I was younger. He and his younger brother pick-up musical instruments like it's their job and honestly, I could totally see that happening so any chance I get to showcase what he is up to and inspire others to let their talents flow, I will do so.

Do what makes you happy and skies the limit.

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