This weekend the nation took part in a Drug Take-Back Day. Saturday, In Yakima, WA it was scheduled from 10 am until 2 pm at the sheriff's office and Yakamaniacs, we did it! This was the largest drug take-back day our area has ever seen with a constant flow of people dropping off their expired, unused, or found prescription drugs and more. No questions asked how you came into the items and loads of smiles behind masked faces.

The amount collected in four hours was 90 pounds of drugs!

If you happened to drop by, you probably left with goodies like face masks and hand sanitizer, courtesy of the Yakima Chamber of Commerce, and pencils provided by the Safe Yakima Valley Youth Coalition.

If you are just learning about this, no worries. You can drop off your items at the following locations or keep it here for updates on the next drug take-back day.

Yakima's Drug Take-Back Day

Now that you have cleaned out your cupboards or special spots I am asking that you pay special attention to what happens in the next few weeks. Be smart with where you place your wallet and mindful of the location of your purse. Who is contacting you and what for? If a family member or acquaintance reaches out for money when normally they would just visit. It could be a red flag. You've just removed their secret supplier, you.

Not everyone is in this situation but there are a lot of struggles going on right now and I there is no shame in reaching out and getting help when you've got to this point. Maybe you know of someone who needs information. You can't make someone turn their life around but you sure as hell can let them know you are there and can give them resources.  There is absolutely no shame in reaching out. No family is free of some sort of, "what the hell is going on here" type scenario.

Washington has fantastic resources and the phone call to begin the process of changing your life is one click away.

READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now





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