Safe Yakima Valley’s First Virtual Clean-Up Was a Success!
First off from everyone at Safe Yakima Valley, thank you to all who participated, shared the info, and encouraged themselves, the kids, siblings, and friends to get out, enjoy the sunshine, and clean-up their own neighborhoods.
This month has been crazy! The Keepin' It Safe 2020 Neighborhood Cleanup kicked off on September 11th and ran through September 28th, 2020. Normally this clean-up is a big event with a party and a large crowd but this year we asked that everyone keep it to their own neighborhoods.
As soon as we started encouraging everyone to get outside, the fires started raging and the smoke was too much, keeping everyone indoors. We weren't sure if it would clear-up in time but thank goodness, blue skies began to appear and everyone got to work. You don't think about just how much trash there is until you really get going and before you know it you've filled bags and everything looks so nice. Even though we've wrapped up the project, there is no shame in continuing to keep it clean while staying safe.
We had loads of prizes to give-away to the over 150 participants including custom Ray-Bans provided by Hogback Development and tomorrow on-air at 3:30 pm on 107.3 KFFM we will be giving-away the grand prize, an awesome head-set, keyboard and mouse pack!
Keepin' It Safe 2020 Neighborhood Cleanup
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 pm the following prizes will be drawn Wednesday Drawing: 2 Sadies's Hawaiian Xpresso, Hogback Development baseball hat, Subway of Yakima, Kingston Gaming package
If you logged your hours please see below to find out what prize you have earned and thank you again so much for participating.
Criselia Gonzalez - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Dinorah Torquato - Kingston Technology jumpdrive
Anthony Vera - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Jess Garcia - Kingston Technology jumpdrive
Devin Brown - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Dorothy Lee - Hogback Development Baseball Cap
Ray Gherman - Hogback waterbottle
Christina Yergen - Subway of Yakima
Analisa Torres - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Daisy Martinez - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Sean Ritter - Hogback Development baseball hat
Jim Lope - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Margarita Larios - Hogback hat
Sandi Yergen - Subway of Yakima
Juan Torres - Quality Inn Weekend Stay
Marjie Taylor - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Lori Stephenson - Olive Press Life Coaching
Rebecca Shelton - Subway of Yakima
Adrianne Garner - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Hanna Ramos - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Jenicia Ceja - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Pamela Milford - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Massiah Gutierrez - Gentleman's Barber
Jillian Ceja - Fine By Design Color Street Nails
Manny Ceja - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Maria Monay - Subway of Yakima
Jose Torres - Hogback hat
Isley Torres - Subway of Yakima
Elsie Zaragoza - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Noe Ramos - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Enrique Ramos - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Janet Lustre - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Stephanie Sanchez - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Kelsie Hinkle - Ray-Ban sunglasses
Michael Moore - Hogback Development gator mask
Suzana Celestine - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Scott Clark - Subway of Yakima
Wesley Bryant - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Diana Covell - Olive Press Life Coaching
Joseph Brusic - Kingston Technology jumpdrive
Dirk Weiler - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Mark Grange - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Taive Duffy - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Rebecca Shaw - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Ermelinda Rocha - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Ayden Rocha - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Kiann Jaeger - Subway of Yakima
Kyle Jaeger - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Dan Jaeger - Gentleman's Barbershop
Christopher Butler - Subway of Yakima
Jose M Torres - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Cynthia Cruzen - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Chris Cupp - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Alejandro Solorzano - Gentleman's Barbershop
Barbara Strutner - Olive Press Life Coaching
Greg Strutner - Hogback Development Gater Mask
Ariadna Costa - Subway of Yakima
Mindy Udell - Olive Press Life Coaching
Nick Udell - Gentleman's Barbershop
Clayton Udell - Kingston Gaming Set
Anna Stephenson - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Linda McCrone - Buzzin Bees Espresso
John Lange - Subway of Yakima
Heather Carillo - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Michael (Mike) Meyer - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Rose Meyer - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Alicia Egan - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Issabella Vera - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Efrain Araujo - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Jessica Torres - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Maria Benavides - Olive Press Life Coaching
Ken Crow - Hogback baseball hat
Araceli Guerrero - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Amy Zook - Sadie's Hawaiian Xpresso
Dominic Figueroa - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Rafael Torres - Hogback waterbottle
Galilea Torres Hogback Development baseball hat
Silvester Aguilar - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Isaiah Gonzalez - Hogback waterbottle
David Acevedo - Quality Inn Weekend Getaway
Klarissa Mendoza - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Quinn Dalan - Buzzin Bees Espresso
Tyler Johnson - Fine By Design Color Street Nails
Linda Hagert - Buzzin Bees Espresso
We are searching for mentors, a program that matches kids that have been adversely impacted by opioid misuse with caring adults who are interested in their wellbeing.
To get involved and learn more at Safe Yakima Valley today!
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