As Spring Break in the Yakima School District comes to a close, it would be cool to make plans to attend the Sagebrush Hills Discover event at Eisenhower High (611 South 44th Ave)! The best part is that it's free*!

This kid-centric event is brought to you by the same phenomenal duo who brought us the Sagebrush Hills Film Festival at the Yakima Valley Museum a few months ago, namely, Soo Choi and her business partner, Clayton Bussey.

This one-day event will showcase movies for children ages 10 and younger (see movie showtimes below), as well as a host of movies for teens. Each of these international movies (including some animated) will surely spark discussions about different cultures and adventures with kids from all over the world. (Please note: most films have English subtitles available.)

Doors open at 10am and the first movie shows at 10:15am . For more information, visit

*Tickets for the event are free for all children and just $2 for adults.

Movies For Kids Ages 10 and Under:


Movies For Kids Ages 10+:



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