Steak Tenderness Inherited; Wolf Management and Merger Talks for Equipment Dealers
WSU animal nutrition scientist researcher Frank Hendrix has built the perfect steak using cattle DNA tenderness markers that he developed with a team from WSU Animal Sciences. Together this 10 year collaboration has resulted in that study that has received gobal attention by it’s finding that tenderness is inherited trait.
Rep. Greg Walden, Republican from -Ore. Has been working to protect beef cattle from wolves. He said that his plan to remove gray wolves from the federal endangered species list that was approved by the U.S. House last week was due to the fact Oregon's wolf population has grown by more than 40 percent. He stressed the importance of single management strategy that would put wolves under state management .
Finally, the board of directors of the Far West Equipment Dealers Association has approved entering into merger talks with the Western Equipment Dealers Association. If approved, WEDA would represent equipment dealers in four Canadian provinces and 17 states in the western U.S.
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