Speed and Red Light Runners a Rolling Problem in YakimaSpeed and Red Light Runners a Rolling Problem in YakimaDuring the week of June 18 thorugh June 24 Officers made a total of 693 traffic stops and issued 280 citations. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Speeders And Red Light Runners a Growing Problem in YakimaSpeeders And Red Light Runners a Growing Problem in Yakima In fact during the week of June 11 through the 17 Officers made 770 stops and issued 330 citations.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Watch Your Speed Yakima Officers Watching Your DrivingWatch Your Speed Yakima Officers Watching Your Driving During the past 6 months police have made more than 4,000 traffic stops and issued more than 2,000 citations.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Say Drive Sober or Get Pulled OverYakima Police Say Drive Sober or Get Pulled OverDuring the week of December 11 through December 17 Yakima Police Officers made a total of 719 traffic stops Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Holiday Emphasis Patrols in Yakima To Slow DriversHoliday Emphasis Patrols in Yakima To Slow DriversYakima Police say they'll continue the patrols through the holidaysLance TormeyLance Tormey
Speeding in Yakima? You’ve Been Warned by YPDSpeeding in Yakima? You’ve Been Warned by YPDCapt. Jay Seely Commander of the city traffic unit says officers are now charged with making 3 to 4 traffic stops a dayLance TormeyLance Tormey
Get A Ticket Yakima? Police Say Emphasis Patrols Are WorkingGet A Ticket Yakima? Police Say Emphasis Patrols Are WorkingCurrently Seely says he's divided the city into four areas assigning a Lieutenant to each area.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Emphasis Patrols Slowing Yakima Drivers WeeklyEmphasis Patrols Slowing Yakima Drivers Weekly Capt. Jay Seely says Officers are expected to make 3 to 4 traffic stops everyday to slow drivers and send a message that traffic is being monitored in Yakima. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Officers Stopping Lots of Drivers During Emphasis PatrolsYakima Officers Stopping Lots of Drivers During Emphasis PatrolsThis week started with a two car crash at the intersection of 40th Avenue and Summitview Avenue. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Red Light Emphasis Patrols Being Planned in YakimaRed Light Emphasis Patrols Being Planned in YakimaYakima Police Capt. Jay Seely says officers are now trying to put more emphasis on traffic enforcement to save lives and slow down drivers.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Want To See a Jail Cell? Yakima Police Say Just Drive AggressivelyWant To See a Jail Cell? Yakima Police Say Just Drive AggressivelyAuthorities say they've seen an uptick over the last two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lance TormeyLance Tormey