Yakima Man Wins On TV’s ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ [VIDEO]
If you have ever frequented The Pub in Glenwood Square on a Wednesday night for live trivia, the odds are pretty good that you have encountered Aaron Crockett and had your butt handed to you by him and his cohorts, known as "Our Drinking Team Has A Trivia Problem."
Earlier Friday (April 21), a gathering of Aaron's friends, family and co-workers joined him at The Pub to watch the airing of the nationally syndicated game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" in which Aaron was a contestant. Along with his lifeline, Scott Wilson, Aaron sat under the glaring lights of the studio located in the Jubilee Theatre at Bally's Casino/Hotel in Las Vegas, NV and was peppered with questions by host Chris Harrison.
Crockett, who actually taped the episode last July, had been contractually sworn to secrecy as to the result of his participation until air time. Today we all got to watch for ourselves the outcome on KNDO-TV.
Wilson, who actually was called onstage to help Crockett and also appears on the show, said that the episode, which aired earlier today, was actually the second day that the two had waited to give it a shot. After sitting through eight hours of taping the day before, the pair were put into the Green Room the next day and eventually got to play the game.
See how Aaron did here for yourself and if and when you see him around town, give him a pat on the back. You'll know him when you see him.