Is Yakima’s Lighthouse Thrift Closing for Good? 75% Off Sale
Have you heard what's happening with Lighthouse Thrift the Union Gospel Mission thrift store located at 15 S Front St, Yakima, WA 98901?
They are Having a Close Out Sale

According to Yakima Cares' post, a private Facebook group, there is a serious sale about to happen!
In need of clothes or household items? Lighthouse Thrift (YUGM Thrift Stores) is having a CLOSEOUT SALE this Friday and Saturday (May 13-14) and every item will be 75% off the tag sale! Clothes for men, women & children, household items, toys, shoes, jewelry, and some furniture and decor items. Located at 15 S Front Street.
Is Lighthouse Thrift Closing for Good?
No, Apparently the building has just too many maintenance issues so they will be closing temporarily while they search for a new location to move to.
How Long Has the Union Gospel Mission Been in That Building?
Since 1936! Check out this incredible video, a total blast from the past!
Here's the full story from YUMG Thrift Stores Facebook Page
“We thank God for the building He supplied 86 years ago, honor its history, and anticipate a new season of impact as Lighthouse Thrift finds a new location.” —Mary BroussardIn 1936, loss of employment, bankruptcy, and threat of famine drove many people across Yakima Valley into despair and alcohol abuse. Recognizing the need to bring hope and recovery to people frequenting the taverns on Front Street, the faith community stepped in to fill a need and began the Yakima Union Gospel Mission.The property on S. Front Street began serving meals and offering chapel services. It housed recovery programs and a dormitory for people experiencing homelessness. In the 70’s the Mission expanded to adjacent buildings to offer a Family Shelter and Dental Clinic. In the 90’s, the Union Gospel Mission relocated to its current location at 1300 N First Street after a fire destroyed the property originally intended for Mission expansion. In 2000, after using the Front Street location for a garage sale to generate some revenue rather than throwing away excess warehouse donations, the board of directors approved renovating the former Mission location on Front Street to become a retail space for secondhand items to be sold.For 22 years, Lighthouse Thrift (formerly Ye Olde Lighthouse Shoppe) has helped to generate revenue to support the life- changing work of Yakima Union Gospel Mission. God has been providing for “the least of these”- the homeless, addicted, and hurting people of Yakima- through the work of the Mission for 86 years.Because maintenance and repair needs exceed what can wisely be invested, YUGM made the difficult decision to relocate Lighthouse Thrift.We seek God’s guidance as we search for a new location to maximize the impact of our store in serving clients and the community. Please join us in a Celebration Ceremony as we thank God for the building he supplied 86 years ago, honor its history, and anticipate a new season of impact as Lighthouse Thrift finds a new location.Yakima, Washington- Join YUGM at Lighthouse Thrift, May 22 at 3:00 pm for a time of worship, sharing stories, and prayer at a Celebration Ceremony to mark the final days of operation at the Mission’s original location at 15 S Front Street! Close out sales will be held Friday and Saturday, May 13-14 with all items 75% off tag price.
Lighthouse Thrift
Union Gospel Mission Thrift Stores
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