As always, the middle of the week means not only hump day, but the chance to connect with psychic medium Melissa Henyan.

This week I actually picked the topic because of a hilarious discussion I had with a co-worker of mine who'd spoken with a shaman who helped him name his spirit animals. What happened next was pretty crazy -- but it's really good, so I would LOVE for you to join us tomorrow beginning at 4:30 p.m.

Melissa just sent me a few videos to assist with guided meditations to meet spirit animal guides

You are more than welcome to send your questions via the app before we begin, call-in via (509) 972-1073 or join us for the live portion on our 107.3 KFFM Facebook page, where we answer as many of your questions as possible


Some questions that you might already have are:

  1. Can you have more than one spirit animal? Yes ;)
  2. How do you discover yours? We will have to wait and see because I don't know yet
  3. Are they sending spirit messages to us? Yes

We will also be going over totem animals. I won't dive in more deeply on that one because I honestly don't know :)

Once you discover the spirit animals that are yours, you can search their meanings by typing in spirit animal hawk or whatever animal you want. In this case, what got the ball rolling was the coyote.

Kristy Puchko
Kristy Puchko


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