August 11th is the Last Kids Club at Valley Mall for 2021: Sports
Did I see you this past week?

Not going to lie, Wednesday is NOT just for wearing pink. Nor is it only for those wearing converse. During the summer months in Yakima, WA it's all about Valley Mall's Kids Club.
FREE. People, it's FREE for the kids! So if you haven't been, this is it! You only have ONE LAST chance for 2021 and I don't want you to miss out on it.
Each week has a theme attached to it and the below gallery shows you what has happened in the past. It's always a good idea to follow our social media as well as Valley Mall's for posts and sneak peeks! I LOVE the care AND attention to detail that Jacob and his team from Valley Mall have.
The bags are not only reusable but match each week's theme and that's not all. They are filled with snacks and activities for the kids. They LOVE them and I have heard from plenty of parents already explaining how bummed they are that Kids Club is wrapping up. This past Wednesday I had a Mom say, "I don't know how to break it to my son, Wednesday he's like grab your stuff, we gotta go to Kids Club!" Good luck with that one!
What Time Does Kids Club Start?
11 am is go time and will wrap up at 1 pm or until supplies run out.
Help Us Spread the Word
The bags are good for ages three through 11 and by the time the event wraps up everyone is wandering around with a smile on their face. In honor of the Olympics, there COULD be something in your bag that ANYONE would enjoy so I HIGHLY suggest you vault yourself to Valley Mall Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 for the last Kids Club of the year at Valley Mall.
Kids Club: Carnival and More
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