Back 2 School Fiesta Gives Bunches Of Free School Supplies Today 4PM-7PM
What parent couldn't use some free school supplies or a brand new backpack for their kids?
School officially begins on Wednesday, August 30th, in the Yakima School District, so grab the kids this evening and head on down to The Seasons Performance Hall (101 N Naches Ave) from 4pm-7pm for the 8th annual Back To School Fiesta, brought to you by La Casa Hogar! It's FREE to attend, but if your child brings $1 plus a can of food*, she or he will get a free backpack! SCORE!
There will also be some free school supplies (while supplies last), kids STEM activities to keep that brain flexing, plus a live DJ so the kids can dance off some of that energy!
Rumor has it, there will also be some free snacks and beverages available!
*Food will be donated to St. Michael's Church.
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