Top 10 Finalists for Yakima’s Best Food Truck [VOTE NOW]
THANK YOU SO MUCH for voting! Based on nearly 500 votes, you have determined the TOP TEN food trucks in Yakima, but which one do YOU think should win the TOP SPOT bragging rights? Voting ends Thursday (July 26) at 8 a.m. We will announce the big winner on this website on Friday, and we'll give the winning food truck a cool certificate and declare them Yakima's Best Food Truck 2018!
The food truck poll debate has turned into #GastroGate2018! We saw plenty of shenanigans and online fisticuffs in the comment sections for the nominations of Yakima's BEST Food Truck. After all was said and done, it just left us pretty hungry! Ha!
We heard from some of you about how you have never even heard of some of the food trucks nominated. Others flipped the script and nominated food trucks WE had never heard of! Sadly, a few of our favorites didn't qualify as a food truck although they should be considered (shout-out to eternal favorite, Miz Dees BBQ), and all the others that actually were nominated but didn't gather enough votes for the top 10! Bummer!
Let's hope that the next Food Truck Rally will feature ALL of these nominations in 2019! (Yum, yum, yum!) (Might I suggest they have the next rally at Sarg Hubbard Park, preferably after 5 p.m, because there will be plenty of space for all of the trucks and plenty of free parking! Just a thought! -~ Reesha)