How are You Feeling? Health Fair Planned in Yakima SaturdayHow are You Feeling? Health Fair Planned in Yakima SaturdayYour chance to get some free help happens this Saturday. A free health fair is planned in downtown Yakima this Saturday hosted by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Is Serious About Their Health and Fun! (Photo Gallery)Yakima Is Serious About Their Health and Fun! (Photo Gallery)Did you make it into our photo gallery?Sarah JSarah J
Yakima Medical-Dental Clinic Sat Oct 27th Health FairYakima Medical-Dental Clinic Sat Oct 27th Health FairThere is a Health Fair Saturday October 27th) from 10am-2pm at Yakima Medical-Dental Clinic, located at 602 East Nob Hill Blvd. in Yakima!Sarah JSarah J