The Strangest Google Searches in the Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is known for hiking, coffee and beautiful coastlines but did you know the states included, have very different interests when it comes to google searches?
Idaho is over here trying to figure out how to vape
Oregon is googling all the Zen vibes they can handle with anything having to do with the phrase Live, Laugh, Love
And Washington isn't taking any chances, learning all about hunting bigfoot
Interestingly enough Oklahoma also has a fascination with bigfoot as well! Their google search is more about finding evidence of the man? The myth, the legend.
Texas is searching for the signs their dog really does love them
South Dakota wants to know how to get themselves fired
While North Dakota is more interested in the height of1980's fun the hacky sack
West Virginia is trying to figure out why their poop is green...could it be all the green eggs and ham?
While Nebraska is dealing with smelly feet and for some reason Arizona is most interested in photos of feet
Alabama seems to be going back in time, with the largest search focusing on shoulder pads
But maybe they are sports related shoulder pads
Florida is working on how to get rid of ghosts
While Tennessee is trying to figure out if their houses are in fact haunted
While Kentucky wants to know how to become a vampire
You can find the entire list of states and what they are googling at
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