Time To Get Signed Up For Yakima’s Sunfair Parade
Everyone loves a parade and Yakima's 61st annual Sunfair Parade is back this year set for September 24 in downtown Yakima. For many people it's a tradition to attend the parade and then go to the Central Washington State Fair set for September 23-October 2nd at Yakima's State Fair Park. This year's parade is being sponsored by Yakima Federal Savings and Loan the local bank that has stepped up to fund a number of community events including Yakima's big 4th of July celebration.
Want to be part of the parade? Time to get signed up is NOW!
This year's Sunfair Parade starts at 10:00 am Saturday September 24 and follows the same route as previous years starting at 16th and Yakima Avenue and ending at Naches
Avenue. If you want to be a part of the parade this year the deadline to sign up is September 16. Paul Crawford, organizer of this year’s parade hopes a lot of people get involved. "We really love to see local businesses, clubs, schools and everyone one else come on out and join us in the parade. It’s a lot of fun and you don’t have to be very fancy, just a little creative. Just apply and come on out and have fun."
All kinds of organizations are welcome
A press release from Yakima Federal Savings and Loan says "area businesses, schools or organizations wishing to participate may pick up an application at any Yakima Federal Savings and Loan, Ron’s Coins & Collectables, the Yakima Chamber of Commerce or on the parade’s webpage www.yakimaparades.com
Deadline for entry is Midnight, Friday September 16, 2022. Those with questions about the parade may e-mail them to: yakimaparades@gmail.com
Yakima Federal Savings and Loan is headquartered in Yakima, WA. and has been in business since 1905. With 2 billion dollars in assets, the association is the 10th largest Washington-based FDIC insured financial institution"