
If you've got questions about your career, today is the day to get them answered by a professional. WorkSource South Central Washington is offering time with their career counselors today, April 15th, 2021 between 11 am and 1 pm online. You could do a mock interview or have them look at your resume, steer you in the right direction with a career change or open your options with a job search. Maybe you have no idea where to start and that is ok too. The path to where you want to go and how to get there starts here.

Perhaps you have great work experience but you forgot to highlight it while applying for certain positions or it's been a while since you've been employed so you feel your options are limited. There is something for everyone out there, and having a professional back you up will have you digging in areas you didn't know were available. Worksource South Central Washington wants to help so anyone in need should suck it up and take some time today, everyone can and should take advantage of this free service.

You can register yourself online this morning and by the end of the day feel more secure about the path you're on.

Here are some current jobs available around the Yakima Valley but one of the coolest parts about being on the internet is you could get this type of help from anywhere in the Country.

I wish you loads of luck and happy career hunting.

READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well


READ MORE: Here are 50 ways you can improve your work from home lifestyle

LOOK: Here are 25 ways you could start saving money today

These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn more about how you can start saving now. [From: 25 ways you could be saving money today]



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