Downtown Yakima’s First Cheese, Smoothies, and Milk Tea Shop Opens in 2 Weeks
Downtown Yakima's First Cheese, Smoothies, and Milk Tea Shop Opens in 2 Weeks
There are so many cool restaurants in downtown Yakima like Sub Shops of Yakima, Cowiche Canyon Kitchen and Ice House Bar, Casa Vittore, E.Z. Tiger, and Crafted. I could keep on going! A new restaurant is opening up next month in April but it has been in construction and remodeling for several months!

This new eaterie/drinkerie is called "& Tea" and it says it will be selling fruit teas, smoothies, organic cheeses, and milk tea drinks.
This menu sounds right up the alley of my 11-year-old daughter, Willow, who is crazy about smoothies. I am crazy about cheese, so we'll have to see what's up with this new place downtown.
During the first week of the soft opening, April 1st thru April 7th, & Tea says they will be offering each customer a drink for $1!
What a great way to encourage people to stop by and check out the place. Don't get too greedy and try to get more than one drink at one sitting, they will be watching y'all like a hawk! (Just kidding, kind of.)
"Any Drink for just $1 (1 per person per time)." & Tea via Facebook
& Tea is located at 123 E Yakima Ave in downtown Yakima.
Downtown Yakima Cheese, Smoothies, Teas & Coffee Shop 'Comming Soon'
The only bone I have to pick with them is their storefront advertisement. It says, "Comming Soon", and several Facebook friends and I had a good giggle at the misspellings.
The views of the inside of & Tea look AMAZING if I say so myself. It has a very modern flair and I love it! Check out the gallery from their Facebook page below!

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