Back to School Is Almost Here. How Are You Celebrating?
Time flies when you're having fun! Especially summer fun! Does anyone else feel like this summer was WAY too short? We've been blessed with beautiful blue skies and weather that was pretty much just right all season and now we are beginning to gear up for back to school!
Not having any children yet of my own it's been a little crazy watching the nieces and nephews pass major milestones. They are getting so big so fast! This lil guy is about to start kindergarten next week!
I can't even!
So, in honor of such a BIG deal, we had to go to lunch. I figured Burger Ranch would be perfect but Blane had a very specific place in mind. We needed to go to Burger King because they have the best slides in the play area and we probably need to get chocolate milkshakes. You're probably right Blane!
Being an Aunt means there are no rules when it comes to what we eat. You want to only drink the milkshake and eat just a few fries, fine by me! :) I am REALLY glad that I was able to carve out some Auntie nephew time before he begins this new phase. They will never be this small again so that being said. I would LOVE to know how you are spending the last precious few days of summer with your little ones!