May is Mental Health Month. I would say globally but that is reserved for the months of October you should be aware of Mental Health in September but honestly your mental health is important on a daily basis so, take a moment wherever you are and take a deep breath in through your nose as big and as deep as you can go and hold for a second before letting that breath and everything that's bugging you out. Whoosh!

Remember you are loved, you are important, you are worth it and your feelings are valid. Whatever size you are, happy or sad about it you are blessed, and who you are matters. Now, let's take it to the next level.

Comprehensive Healthcare is making May a priority and has put together FREE community sessions on varying mental health topics that you can attend online.

Free Online Events in May

  • Thursday, May 20th“Ask Me Anything” Facebook Live Event featuring therapists and peer counselor (former client with lived experience)
  • Tuesday, May 25thCumulative Stress, Self-Care, and Resilience Training (Great for employers and businesses!), register

There's something for everyone and a great place to get started would be liking their Facebook page to stay in touch with the latest. I know I've heard many people, including myself, mention a desire to find the right words when someone is in pain and connects with you. We all can make a difference, including within ourselves and there is no shame in working on our mental health game.

Comprehensive Health is working internally on team building as well. Here's what Tori sent me!

The photos I am attaching are from our youth inpatient facility called Two Rivers Landing. They did an activity where they were asked to think of things they are currently grateful for and to also think of some of their future aspirations and then create some sidewalk chalk art expressing some of those thoughts!

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Enjoy this wonderful gallery and if you would like to express yourself this month send us your completed artwork and I will update it for everyone to see :)

What Are You Grateful For?

Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:

KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system

KEEP READING: 15 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained







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