Get Fit For 2017: I Made A Workout Video, But Everyone Is Calling It A SCAM
Week One went by so fast! I managed to get in one quick workout (and by workout, I mean that I watched other people workout and had some fun chit-chat with the people at the front desk at the Yakima YMCA).
Here we are at Week Two of the "Get Fit For 2017" Fitness Challenge, and I've only been to the gym once (and last week when I watched other people work out).
PROGRESS: My progress has been dismal. I had such high hopes, as I mentioned to you in a previous blog here. I haven't changed my usual diet of pizzas, cookies and fast foods for lunch, I haven't added any "fun salads" for dinner, and I haven't given further thought since Week One to creating a workout playlist to motivate me to work out.
Now that I am in a "fitness challenge," the challenge for me is to have a moment to carve out to actually get to the gym! I am going to try my hardest to march my booty to my gym tomorrow after work. I usually walk in and head straight to the sauna or the steam room, but this time, I am going to force myself to hit the step machine for at least 15 minutes.
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