I am a really huge fan of the way the Jonas Brothers have laid out their promotional campaign. Hit you in the ear with great new songs, sprinkle in some weddings and now that the documentary Chasing Happiness has dropped on Prime and the album is out I took the liberty to write down my thoughts as I watched.

No spoilers I believe but here is what I thought while watching it.

1) Holy crap that's a lot of fans!

2) That makes so much sense

3) I am Jonas Brothers Fan

4) They were so little

5) Les Miserables is my favorite musical! :)

6) The confidence Nick had!

7) First glance would never have thought Joe was a comedian

8) Thank goodness for home videos

9) Listen to those magical moments

10) From one PK (Pastors Kid) to another I feel you!

11) That phone! haha

12) awww, TRL is all old!

13) Until it happens to you

14) I want to see the wives

15) Geez, lady patience!

16) I would have been frustrated too!

17) The purity rings make so much more sense

18) OMG!

19) Mouse ears to the rescue

20) Dan! Like that?

21) Never seen that at our Central Washington State Fair

22) hahaha myspace

23) breaking ground on youtube with 15-second videos...The cheese but I love it!

24) First loves!

25) hahahaah awkward

26) So that's what 15,000 people looks like

27) In three years? HOLY MOLY!

28) The shift

29) oh man that awkward drinking game where some of you want the truth and some of you can't handle the truth!

30) Perception vs reality

31) Love the Barbara Walters interview

32) squirrel

33) Oh man!

34) ouch!

35) Go get em boys!




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