TikTok Star Isaiah Garza Just Gifted a House to a Homeless Woman
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A native of Yakima, WA Isaiah Garza has moved down to L.A and is a successful jewelry designer, recording artist, and human trafficking/homelessness activist. He's been growing his fan base on apps like TikTok, doing good deeds like visiting with people from skidrow, feeding the homeless, and taking people on shopping sprees. He is focused and his message is clear, "no matter where you come from anything is possible."
In August he began visiting with Robin Clayton, a kind soul who due to an unfortunate relationship landed her on the street around three years ago, but it hasn't killed her attitude. Every time he came by to visit it was all smiles and laughter
With the help of a gofundme account he set-up for her, that goal has become a reality and his TikToks surrounding this adventure have since gone viral. Even being featured on actor John Krasinski's show Some Good News.
Watch this beautiful woman's attitude as she is being pampered. Everyone deserves to be treated so kindly, what a giving heart this dude has.
Due to the pandemic, speaking at local schools spreading his message of giving to others and not letting where you come from hold you back, has been put on hold but that hasn't stopped Isaiah from continuing to spread joy in the midst of a very trying time.
If it's the thought that counts, Isaiah is going above and beyond and so when his schedule clears enough to grab a chat, stay tuned because this is just the beginning of the mission.
Anything you'd like to ask him? Message us via the app
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