Is There Ever an Appropriate Time to Bump Someone with Your Car?
Have You Ever Been Tapped by a Car Before?
Story time. Last night was the Union Gap Lighted Parade, the finale of the lighted parades across the Yakima Valley and people who were near the Valley Mall were treated to something magical and a bit disturbing all in the span of an hour.

What Happened at the Union Gap Lighted Parade Afterparty?
After the Union Gap Lighted Parade there was a chance for the crowd to head to the parking lot of Valley Mall where everyone could see the lighted Christmas trucks up close and personal for a bit. This is something new Jacob Butler, from Valley Mall was introducing and will become a yearly thing. The main entrance to Valley Mall had been blocked off and as the trucks began rolling into position there was some maneuvering that no one could have predicted.
I Have Crowd Control Experience, Loads of It and I've Never Had This Happen
I was there to sing some Christmas carols but was happy to assist in making sure drivers knew where they could and couldn't go, successfully directing several vehicles to take alternative routes so the Christmas Trucks could line up for the crowd. One car decided the route they wanted to take was straight into the area that was blocked off and that's when the issue began.
Get Out of the Way
Jacob and I motioned for the vehicle to turn and they motioned for us to get out of the way. They wanted to go left, straight into the blocked off area where they were bound to get stuck. We held our ground and motioned for them to move again and that's when the driver pushed on the gas a bit. We continued to block the road and came up against the car as he tapped us once, twice and a third time, each time getting a bit bolder with the force of the nudge. It was clear this dude had every intention of going forward regardless and luckily we were able to move quickly because it was starting to get heated and my foot was almost run over while Jacob had to jump away as the car moved forward.
Hello, Karma
The driver turned left and was immediately stopped by the Union Gap Police where he was made to sit and cool it for the next hour. We chose not to press charges, his Christmas present from us, but I also wasn't able to sing because I had to stay near the police to answer any questions as they assessed the situation. There wasn't alcohol involved and it turns out this dude was in a hurry to make it out to Legends Casino Hotel in Toppenish for the sold-out Jo Koy comedy show. Maybe he made it in time, maybe he didn't but that for sure wasn't a good reason to be tapping people with his car.
There is Never a Reason to Bump Someone with Your Car
Even as a joke, it's dangerous and as lightly as I took the whole experience I actually was assaulted by a vehicle yesterday and that is wild to me. Free events are an incredible community builder and though this won't deter me from attending or being a part of them I hope this dude learns his lesson to calm the **** down. Your emergency never constitutes you driving like a wild animal through a crowd. Ever.
Thank You Union Gap Police and Jacob Butler
Listen to the Story HERE
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