We all have moments where we feel uncomfortable. Unsure of who we are, where we are going, and what we are doing. Know you are not alone and you also don't need to feel like that forever.

I have ups and downs just like anyone else and with the current climate, I've decided to take on the 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge in honor of mental health. Each day I am dedicating my push-ups to people who affect my life, encourage and inspire me. I would LOVE for you to join me at any time, at any speed of push-up. If you notice I currently am doing them on my knees. The hope by the end of this is to be able to do a full set of 25 or at least as many as I can before I drop to my knees but honestly, that's not what this is about. It's about taking time out of your day to focus on something outside of yourself.

We all get overwhelmed but if you are feeling like things are just TOO overwhelming please don't hesitate to call The National Alliance on Mental Illness  1-800-950-6264info@nami.org

Many days left but here is where I am so far

Mental Health


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