Could It Be Psychosis? New Journeys Program is Here Eastern, WA!
Are you experiencing things you can't explain? Maybe it's a voice that you recently have begun hearing or you feel like you might be being followed. You haven't shared it with anyone or maybe you know of someone who has been experiencing this.
Comprehensive Healthcare wants you to know you are not alone and the New Journeys Program is here to help.
What is the New Journeys Program?
New Journeys is a comprehensive intervention program for youth and adults, ages 15-40, who have experienced a first episode of psychosis. Treatment is provided by a team of mental health professionals who focus on helping people work toward personal goals. More broadly, New Journeys helps transitional youth navigate the road to recovery from an episode of psychosis, including supporting efforts to function well at home, on the job, at school, and in their community.
I know that feels like a lot when you are already feeling off but just know, the sooner you reach out the sooner you get to look back at this moment, I am SO happy I pushed myself forward.
Any type of change can be scary but with a wonderful /;.....P_)){{{{{{{ (that was from my cat Winnie - she crawled up on me for some cuddles while typing) support system you can start living a life you've only caught glimpses of so far. You're worth it and help is just a call away!
To make a referral, contact Comprehensive Healthcare and ask for the New Journeys team.
For New Journeys in Yakima, contact (509) 575-4084 and in the Tri-Cities, call (509) 412-1051 Comprehensive Healthcare is a part of the Washington State New Journey Network: www.newjourneyswashington.org
Interview with Sarah J and Victor Larios from New Journeys Program
Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained
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