Tribally owned by the Yakama Nation. Legends Casino Hotel. Located in Toppenish, WA. Took over the Yakima Valley Sundome. May 17th to the 19th, 2024. With its pow wow and stick games.

This was Due to Legends Casino Hotel having some construction going on. And is expanding on the property. Now the move is only for this year of 2024.

Many people traveled far and near. To enjoy the Legends Casino Pow Wow and Stick Games. I wasn't able to attend all three days of the pow wow. Most pow wow take place over a weekend. But the website has a YouTube Channel. So I was a able to at least stream the pow wow online.

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Highlights included all the dancers, singers and drummers. Including Grammy Nominated Drum Group Black Lodge Singers. The group is located out of White Swan, WA. To the people that have have never been to a pow wow. Or experience Native American culture. Some got to do that at the Yakima Valley Sundome.


Yakama Nation Warriors Association Leading the Color Guard

Yakama Nation Warrior Association
Photo by D-Rez

There were many vendors that were set up around the Sundome. And camping was available for a fee per day. Each session of the pow wow. The Yakama Nation Warrior Association brought in the color guard.

There was also a lot of royalty in attendance. Representing their pow wow or organization. With the support of family and friends.

Friday Night Grand Entry

Friday Night Grand Entry of Legends Casino Hotel Pow Wow
Photo By D-Rez

The Newly crowned Miss Indian World Kassie John of the Navajo Nation. Was in attendance. Kassie was recently crowned at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Thanks to all the volunteers, staff, and organizers. From Legends Casino Hotel and State Fair Park. That help put on the pow wow and stick games at the Yakima Valley  Sundome.

You can see more pictures and videos on the Legends Casino Hotel Facebook page. And you can also keep up to date with events at the Legends Casino Hotel website.


Legends Casino Hotel Pow Wow and Stick Games At The Yakima Valley Sundome

Legends Casino Hotel Pow Wow Comes To The Yakima Valley Sundome

Gallery Credit: D-Rez

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