I am getting excited because my new friend is coming to visit me here in Yakima. He lives in Canada and I couldn’t believe it when he sent me the text that he finally got his passport renewed after the Canadians endured a six-months-long backlog processing documents. He told m...
Looking for your new favorite spot in Yakima for desserts? We got you covered, after reaching out to local yakimaniacs around the city we found the top five most popular spots for dessert.
Looking for the best cookies in Yakima? We did all the leg work so you can go enjoy every bite around the Yakima Valley. Here are our top five cookies in all of the Yakima Valley!
Looking to celebrate the international PI day? Neither were we until we started to think about actual Pie, here are the best bakeries that make Pie in the Yakima Valley!
It is not often that something from Yakima goes viral, so when it happens, we have GOT to talk about it! You can thank TikTok for the long line of cars you see going around the block at Panaderia El Solecito, at 303 S 3rd Ave. Us locals would say it's at South 3rd and Pine.
Such a mixture of treats in one spot from macaroons to rows of intricately baked cookies with exotic names, chocolate croissants and freshly baked torta bread. The gorgeous buttercream cakes, beautifully designed cookies and even cheese zombies
There is NOTHING like walking into a bakery and seeing rows and rows AND rows of glorious baked goods. Viera's is on point when it comes to variety AND freshness :)
Pan Dulce, Conchas and more. There's a lot out there and it all looks fantastic and, to me, they taste great, too. Although I think my kids were in for a shock when they took a bite thinking it was more like a cookie or cake.