This Monday mantra is all about knowing you are going to be ok. Seriously, I completely feel you on the holidays being stressful. Aunt Karen won't be quiet about her new man when your Uncle is RIGHT there, no one needs that drama. But yet here we are :)

Another year and another holiday season full of stress, anxiety, winter blues, and tears. Want to stop the cycle

Jim is a pro, been working for Comprehensive Health Care and wanted to remind us of a few key things to work on while we battle through the winter blues, we all have them but I suppose the question is, will you allow your blues to own you?

1) Be present - put the phone down and talk to your people. Play games, help clean up or cook. Being in the moment helps you connect and will create some awesome or not so awesome memories.

2) It's normal to feel cranky and frustrated but if you find yourself having trouble getting out of bed for three straight weeks and things aren't changing, it's time to call your physician and let them know what

3) Don't allow your traditions to turn you sour if you have lost a family member or it's not how it used to be. It's ok to adjust, create a new one or at least recognize why this is upsetting you.

4) Your friends and family are part of the solution as well. Ask them, "how are you doing?" or, "get out of bed and we're going to DQ, I have had enough of you acting like this."

5) Take care of yourself. It's important during this holiday season to take some time for yourself. Don't push so hard and be taking care of everyone else if you haven't stopped down to check on you

6) There are upcoming classes and education for the seven counties in the area. A parenting class is starting on March 2nd. It is FREE for any age and any type of parent education

7) Suicide awareness and prevention training 509-575-4084.

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