The cat's out of the bag. Our psychic Melissa Henyan is set to appear in an episode of a brand new tv show, "Trending Fear" that will debut Friday, Dec 20th
Melissa Henyan will provide how those abilities could present themselves and also how to help understand and cultivate those skills so you and your child aren't freaked out!
We went over feathers and the colors that coincide with each of them. Plus Melissa drew cards for our 107.3 KFFM Facebook live followers that joined in
Have you ever been curious if you are psychic? Did you know there are multiple ways that messages can be presented to you? Melissa breaks them down for us
*update* Wednesday, June 12th, 2019. We got so busy last week we weren't able to fully give this topic the time it deserves so we are picking back up this week with it! :)
Numerology: Your Date of Birth - A Doorway in time
Just received my message from Melissa Henyan, our resident psychic medium and here is what she would like to speak on tomorrow, Wednesday, June 4th, 2019...
It is always an exciting time when we have our psychic medium Melissa Henyan in the studio!
We will take phone calls 509-972-1073 and also will do a live facebook so please friend 107.3 KFFM's facebook if you haven't yet. You will receive a notification once we go live :)
For today...what about Pendulum use as a topic?
This is what our resident psychic medium Melissa Henyan messaged me earlier. I said, "please tell me more"
So pendulums have been around since the 1600's. They're a tool commonly used by psychics, healers and even holistic doctors (in France). The...
Fear and religion are touchy topics, but we are going in this afternoon -- so take a moment to think about the big questions you have, and our resident psychic medium, Melissa, is going to take on the challenge of answering them. This is all for fun, so please don't freak out.
If you missed the show we were speaking about symbols from your loved ones. You might notice when you are feeling sad or just whenever you are out and about you have random things that happen to you.
Such a fun Wednesdays we have planned for you so feel free to help me spread the word and help me welcome Melissa to the studio this afternoon for free readings and knowledge on how to interpret the signs you see :)