Yakima Valley How Does Your Garden Grow? Free Classes Coming Soon
Spring has sprung and the gardens are just beginning to show off their colors. I've seen lilac buds about to bloom and the daffodils have been flowering for a few weeks. If you planned ahead you might have created some starters for vegetables and more indoors and if you didn't you could take advantage of the upcoming sale from Yakima's Master Gardeners.
Follow Yakima Master Gardeners on Facebook and Instagram
Yakima Master Gardeners is a non-profit group specializing in educating our community on all things plants and gardens. It is run by volunteers who understand the science behind what thrives in our area, when and where to plant and so much more!
Yakima Master Gardener Plant Sale
If you didn't get to create your own starts this year, take advantage of the Master Gardener Plant Sale, it's so popular they have chosen to extend the sale
- Friday, April 29th from 8 am to 4 pm
- Saturday, April 30th from 8 am to 4 pm
- Sunday, May 1st from 9 am to 2 pm
Yakima Master Gardener's Greenhouses is located at 1522 South 18th Avenue in Yakima
Gardening in the Pacific Northwest
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