How Does Your Garden Grow? When Game Plans Turn into Reality
Is there something you REALLY want in your life? What's holding you back?

The reason behind your lack of movement could be money or time but both of those things can be adjusted. Have you perused any of the free sites on social media recently? People are handing out planters, dirt, tools, and more. It's a pretty fantastic group of people you should for sure connect with. Another fantastic group is located on our 107.3 KFFM Facebook Group, How Does Your Garden Grow?
More Gardening
Another person to connect with is your partner. Are they on the same page as you with gardening goals? The hubs and I have been wanting to gut the backyard, there's about six feet of potential planting area along the back of our fence, completely overgrown, that hasn't been touched for years. Slowly we are attacking and transforming our backyard in sections, turning it a zen place for us to hang out, and it's working!
A while back I noticed our lilac bushes were getting pretty big so I thought, we might be able to turn them into an arch! It worked. Our cat Winnie LOVES hiding in the bushes and shrubs and I was nervous to cut back where she plays but we chose to take out about five feet on each side of the arch yesterday.
HOLY CRAP! The left side was super easy, with loads of dead leaves and twigs but the right side had Oregon grape roots that were insanely deep and really tough to rip out. A few chainsaw issues later we had it all cleared out and had planted hydrangeas on both sides! Last weekend I was able to take a clipping from one of my Grandmas's hydrangeas and add it into the mix.
How did Winnie react? She climbed into that garden and laid down for a nap right next to Grandma's flower. I had forgotten whenever we get new flowers she feels so fancy like they were planted for her! Now we have an arch you can actually see, I dug up a little lilac bush that was going to get trashed and I am hoping replanting works in a pot by the door. Roses are trimmed and my dill pumpkin plant is starting to show off two REALLY big pumpkins! There's nothing like getting into the dirt while wearing flip flops! Get outside and start enjoying what space you've got, even if it's just a window! Anything can be transformed into something beautiful and zen for you!
Creating Zen one section at a time
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