How Does Your Garden Grow: When Should I Be Trimming My Roses?
The simple answer...always!
During the show, a listener described the weather as bi-polar and I had to agree. I wrote about our cold streak, then we were hit with a heatwave and now... every day seems to be different. Wear a sundress and flip-flops one day and sweats the next. Oh, Spring, you're such a tease, I mean really!
If you've not joined our Facebook Group, How Does Your Garden Grow? Stop on by and drop what you've been up to in the garden. I am by no means a professional but the more I spend time tending to the things I've planted to the more at peace I feel. For real, there's a science behind going outside and breathing fresh air each morning so I've been making a point to water my plants as my very first task of the day, a routine that excites me when I wake up. Figure out what excites you first thing and go for it!
More Gardening
The peonies are beginning to bloom in different stages, the wildflowers are starting to shoot up and round two of my composting was pretty wild. Now that I'm collecting all the kitchen scraps and adding the things we don't get to in the fridge that are uncooked. There is A LOT more food waste than I realized. The second layer is in and still has room for a third...just need to start searching for some worms to really get this compost up and running but I wanted to let you know if your roses are looking wild and too tall or you want to even them out. Do it! I was a bit nervous but the rule of thumb is to find a group of five thick leaves and cut at an angle above them. The way they are facing is the way they will grow. The thicker the branch, the longer it will take to regrow but it will double your flowers AND they will be so much healthier. Check it out!
Roses and More