Looking to start working out but don't wanna break the bank? We have some easy, free, and cheap workouts for you to do right here in the Yakima Valley.
Ladies and gentlemen. The final day of 2019. An entire century is about to be wrapped up and as we fly into 2020 what are the main goals you hope to accomplish?
I've successfully figured out how NOT to body shame myself ... constantly working on positive mental words in exchange for the negative ones. How are you doing?
This whole health and fitness thing can get super confusing, making it SUPER easy to just say screw it when you arrive at your first hiccup. Don't do that! You've done that before and I can tell you as a member of the used-to-be-a-big-girl club, it gets better!
Your first step is seeing what you are actually consuming each day, calorie wise. So enjoy your day, eat what you like and let's see what kinds of patterns show up come Monday :)