Tales From the Scale: When the Weight Goes Up, We Keep Pushing!
Today is a new day.
This is my latest mantra.
Each and every day brings adventures and chances. Chances to accept where we are, and to live in that moment.
To actually thrive in that moment. Instead, more than not we choose to hit up Instagram or Facebook, Twitch or Tik Tok hoping to absorb some perfectly manicured influencer's power of get-it-togetherness. Full stop. That influencer is being paid to spend who knows how many hours editing their post to perfection, creating the perfect lighting and angles to sell us the latest shake or spread the word on how taking enemas has changed her life (Katy Perry do your thing, but I will not be joining you)
We are missing out on the best parts of our own lives because we are searching for "the cure" or a fast fix to a problem that truly has nothing to do with food. It has to do with us.
Why are we not feeling satisfied? Why would I go for a loaf of fresh baked bread with melting butter to sop up my feelings? Well, for one it's ******* delicious and for two, I feel better. But only for a moment, because once I'm done I can feel the butter and the carbs blowing me up like Veruca turning into a blueberry from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
I could succumb to those feelings and go get more bread OR I could suck it up and say
Did you do it? :) Now find some friends or family and let's go for a walk! If you can't find someone, hit me up and let's roll. Need some free support? Get It Right! Get It Tight! is waiting for you.
Lastly I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 182.8. Yes I have gained another pound of wonderful me. And today is a very good day! :)
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